Well, my "vacation" is over; I start my new job at Pfizer tomorrow AM. Jacob is currently lying in my bed as Karen had a dinner party this evening. I am sitting in my newly revamped kitchen typing this. Dad came over and helped me to ...
Brad looks like many European men on his bvacation/b, black socks and all, he looks very relaxed and enjoying his family life in France, Angelina and the kids also look happy. b..../b Spellcheck: bChateauvert/b (it means green castle). Having a nice time in a nice region. Pitt saying that he lives in a Socialist country "and we're just fine" on Maher's show (the French president Sarkozy, a conservative, must be laughing out loud at this thought). As we Gauls say, Cocorico. ...
... de bomen en wij genoten van de schaduw om te eten en platte rust te houden 25 km op een voormiddag .. ge moet het kunnen hé. bChateauvert/b is gewoon ne "chateau" en vlug gezien dus. Via Barjols zijn we in de late namiddag terug in Cotignac. b...../b Voor wie het interesseert achter het bhotel/b aan de zuidkant is een heel mooie plek om met de camper te staan ... het is wel even hobbeldebottel rijden en de wei is alles behalve plat maar het uitzicht is onvergetelijk... doen , ...